Circulatory Entanglements

Circulatory Entanglements

Marine Biomaterials and Paradoxes in Ocean Governance


Marine organisms figure centrally in competing narratives of ocean futures. Their depiction as vulnerable victims devastated by over-production are often at odds with promissory Blue Economy policies. Rather than fragility, latter emphasize the abundance of marine materials and their potentials as biomedical resources. Bridging social science, STS, and environmental humanities methods, the project follows the circulation of three biomaterials emblematic of these tensions. It seeks to develop conceptual and visual resources for a more comprehensive analysis of marine governance at the intersection of environmental and human health.

Shrimp + Chitosan

Chitosan is a biomaterial processed primarily from the discarded shells of the shrimping industry. Since the late twentieth century, chitosan has indeed become a valuable... Read More "Shrimp + Chitosan"

Jellyfish + Mucus + Proteins + Collagen + Stem Cells

Fueled by fears of destroyed fisheries, ruined livelihoods, and famine, jellyfish blooms are considered an ecological threat. Some scientists suggest that the blooms are indicative... Read More "Jellyfish + Mucus + Proteins + Collagen + Stem Cells"

Horseshoe Crabs + Limulus

In 1983, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that all intravenous pharmaceuticals, surgical tools, and implants undergo the Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) test... Read More "Horseshoe Crabs + Limulus"